Chosen from our Funeral Home $4,095.00 Plus Casket / Shroud Price
Includes all services of the Traditional Burial Service Plan. Embalming is performed with Green Burial Certified Embalming Solutions containing no formaldehyde. The cost of the chosen burial casket will be added to this price.
Same as traditional burial service. However, viewing is held no more than two hours immediately prior to the funeral service on the same day
Trusting your loved one with us for cremation services gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your loved one will not leave our care for any reason. We have five licensed crematory operators who all abide by a very strict code of conduct, making sure that your loved one is always treated with the dignity and respect that they, and you deserve.
a. Your loved one is always in our care, from their place of death until their cremated remains are returned to your family.
b. We use a multi-step process continue to identify your loved one through the cremation process.
c. That with 100% certainty you receive your loved one back after the cremation
d. We will always be staffed 24 hours a day 365 days a year, and be available when you need us.
e. We will provide you with caring and highly trained funeral directors and staff to answer your all of your questions
f. We will employee only licensed and continually educated crematory operators.
g. We use the Code of Cremation Practice, and give families service options specifically designed for a family choosing cremation.
h. Each family will be given the opportunity to have a final goodbye before the cremation takes place. Your funeral director will provide more information upon request. And finally,
Ultimately, to provide the highest level of care that you and your loved one deserves and can trust.
*Our crematory only services the needs of humans. For those who have lost a faithful furry friend and are in need of cremation services, we will also be happy to assist in coordinating efforts you with our friends at High Meadow Pet Crematory a local certified pet crematory.